
Kasyapa (कस्यप, Kasyapa) = Kasyapa is a Saint from Indian mythology and a descendant of Marichi (मरीचि, Marīci). According to Vajasaneyi-Sanhita (वाजसनेयिसंहिता, Vājasaneyi-Saṁhitā) of Atharva-Veda (अथर्ववेद, Atharva-Veda) he is one of the 7 Saints Rishi[s] (ऋषि[स्], R̥ṣi[s]) represented in the constellation of the Big Dipper. Besides Shatapatha-Brahmana (शतपथब्राह्मण, Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa) he is said to be the author of several verses of the Rig-Veda (ऋग्वेद, R̥g-Veda) . He was married to all 13 daughters of Daksa (दक्ष, Dakṣa) . With Aditi (आदिति, Āditi) he was the father of Aditya[s] (आदित्य[स्], Āditya[s]) and Vivasvat (विवस्वत्, Vivasvat) and Vishnu (विष्णु, Viṣṇu) as Vamana-Avatara (वामनअवतार, Vāmana-Avatāra). With the other 12 women he fathered demons, Naga[s] (नाग[स्], Nāga[s]), reptiles, birds, and all kinds of creatures. He is an important part of the creation and therefore sometimes called Praja-Pati (प्रजापति, Prajā-Pati).
Asana (आसन, Āsana) = pose, posture, seat
Kasyapasana (कस्यपासन, Kasyapāsana) = pose of Kasyapa
Vinyāsa | breath | Dr̥ṣṭi | explanation of movement |
1 | IN | añguṣṭhamadhye | raise arms overhead |
2 | EX | nāsāgre | spread fingers, hinging at the hip fold forward, hands to ground Uttanasana (उत्तानासन, Uttānāsana) |
3 | IN | bhrūmadhye | come half-way up with straight spine, lift head |
4 | EX | nāsāgre | hands down, float back, ellbows close to chest Chaturanga Dandasana (चतुराङ्ग दण्डासन, Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana) |
5 | IN | bhrūmadhye | roll on tops of feet, open the chest, straighten arms, Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (ऊर्ध्व मुख श्वानासन, Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana) |
6 | EX | nābicakre | tuck toes, push back, lift hips, straight arms Adho Mukha Shvanasana (अधो मुख श्वानासन, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana) |
7 | IN | jump forward balancing on straight arms, bend legs in the air | |
(EX) | jumping right leg over right shoulder resting it behind the head | ||
(IN) | hands into prayer in front of the heart | ||
8 | EX | lying down | |
5BR | bhrūmadhye | Kasyapasana (कस्यपासन, Kasyapāsana) | |
(EX) | lift left foot | ||
9 | IN | roll up, balance on buttocks | |
(EX) | hands down | ||
(IN) | lift up into Chakorasana (चकोरासन, Cakorāsana) | ||
10 | EX | nāsāgre | lower down slowly, elbows close to the body, Chaturanga Dandasana (चतुराङ्ग दण्डासन, Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana) |
11 | IN | bhrūmadhye | roll on tops of feet, open the chest, straighten arms, Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (ऊर्ध्व मुख श्वानासन, Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana) |
12 | EX | nābicakre | tuck toes, push back, lift hips, straight arms, Adho Mukha Shvanasana (अधो मुख श्वानासन, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana) |
13 | IN | jump forward balancing on straight arms, bend legs in the air | |
(EX) | jumping left leg over left shoulder resting it behind the head | ||
(IN) | hands into prayer in front of the heart | ||
14 | EX | lying down | |
5BR | bhrūmadhye | Kasyapasana (कस्यपासन, Kasyapāsana) | |
(EX) | lift right foot | ||
15 | IN | roll up, balance on buttocks | |
(EX) | hands down | ||
(IN) | lift up into Chakorasana (चकोरासन, Cakorāsana) | ||
16 | EX | nāsāgre | lower down slowly, elbows close to the body, Chaturanga Dandasana (चतुराङ्ग दण्डासन, Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana) |
17 | IN | bhrūmadhye | roll on tops of feet, open the chest, straighten arms, Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (ऊर्ध्व मुख श्वानासन, Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana) |
18 | EX | nābicakre | tuck toes, push back, lift hips, straight arms, Adho Mukha Shvanasana (अधो मुख श्वानासन, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana) |
19 | IN | bhrūmadhye | jump feet between hands, straighten the spine half way up, lift your head, |
20 | EX | nāsāgre | bring chest all the way in, Uttanasana (उत्तानासन, Uttānāsana) |
- | IN | bhrūmadhye | lift the head again, straighten spine, palms or finger tips remain on the ground |
EX | nāsāgre | stand all the way up, arms on sides, Samasthitih (समस्थितिः, Samasthitiḥ) |
legend for the Vinyāsa table:
- The grey part of the table is performed in Aṣṭāṅga-Yoga practice.
- Yellow marked is the position depicted on the photo.
- Vinyāsa:1 = ekam; 2 = dve; 3 = trīṇi; 4 = catvāri; 5 = pañca; 6 = ṣaṭ; 7 = sapta; 8 = aṣṭau; 9 = nava; 10 = daśa; 11 = ekādaśa; 12 = dvādaśa; 13 = trayodaśa; 14 = caturdaśa; 15 = pañcadaśa; 16 = ṣoḍaśa; 17 = saptadaśa; 18 = aṣṭadaśa; 19 = ekonavimśatiḥ; 20 = vimśatiḥ; 21 = ekāvimśatiḥ; 22 = dvāvimśatiḥ; 23 = trayovimśatiḥ; 24 = caturvimśatiḥ; 25 = pañcavimśatiḥ; 26 = ṣoḍavimśatiḥ; 27 = saptavimśatiḥ; 28 = aṣṭovimśatiḥ
- breath: IN = Inhalation; EX = exhalation; 5BR = five breaths
- Dr̥ṣṭi: nāsāgre = to the nose; añguṣṭhamadhye = to the middle of the thumb; bhrūmadhye = in the middle of the eye brows; nābicakre = to the navel; ūrdhvadr̥ṣṭi = upwards; hastāgre = to the tip of the hand; pādayoragre = to the tip of the foot; pārśvadr̥ṣṭi = sidewards