Surya Namaskara A - the first sun salutation –performed in five rounds at the start of practice of Ashtanga Yoga. Its nine movements are shown here with pictures and text.

Traditional Practice Series

Du möchtest zum ersten Mal Ashtanga-Luft schnuppern? Dann bist Du hier richtig - beim einfachen Sonnengruß (Surya Namaskara A) des Ashtanga Yoga mit neun grundlegenden Bewegungen. Diese bleiben auch für Fortgeschrittene stets der Einstieg in die Ashtanga Praxis.

Urdhva Vriksasana

ऊर्ध्व वृक्षासन

Ūrdhva Vr̥kṣāsana

Urdhva Vriksasana [thumb mini solar] Uttanasana  A [thumb mini] Uttanasana [B] [thumb mini] Chaturanga  Dandasana [thumb mini] Urdhva-Mukha-Shvanasana [thumb mini] Adho-Mukha-Shvanasana [thumb mini] Uttanasana  [B] [thumb mini] Uttanasana  [A] [thumb mini] Urdhva  Vriksasana [thumb mini] Samasthitih [thumb mini]
Urdhva Vriksasana

Urdhva (ऊर्ध्व, Ūrdhva) = up, upwards
Vriksa (वृक्ष, Vr̥kṣa) = Tree, especially with visible Blossoms or Fruits
Asana (आसन, Āsana) = Position, Posture, Pose
Urdhva Vriksasana (ऊर्ध्व वृक्षासन, Ūrdhva Vr̥kṣāsana) = upward tree position

Vinyāsa breath Dr̥ṣṭi explanation of movement
1 IN añguṣṭhamadhye raise arms overhead
2 EX nāsāgre spread fingers, hinging at the hip fold forward, hands to ground Uttanasana (उत्तानासन, Uttānāsana)
3 IN bhrūmadhye come half-way up with straight spine, lift head
4 EX nāsāgre hands down, float back, ellbows close to chest Chaturanga Dandasana (चतुराङ्ग दण्डासन, Caturāṅga Daṇḍāsana)
5 IN bhrūmadhye roll on tops of feet, open the chest, straighten arms, Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (ऊर्ध्व मुख श्वानासन, Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana)
6 EX nābicakre tuck toes, push back, lift hips, straight arms Adho Mukha Shvanasana (अधो मुख श्वानासन, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana)
5BR nābicakre Adho Mukha Svanasana (अधो मुख स्वानासन, Adho Mukha Svānāsana)
7 IN bhrūmadhye glide forward, lift Head, stretch Back
8 EX nāsāgre Head to knees Uttanasana (उत्तानासन, Uttānāsana)
9 IN añguṣṭhamadhye raise Arms over side, straighten up with straight back
- EX nāsāgre lower Arms over side Samasthitih (समस्थितिः, Samasthitiḥ)

legend for the Vinyāsa table:

  • The grey part of the table is performed in Aṣṭāṅga-Yoga practice.
  • Yellow marked is the position depicted on the photo.
  • Vinyāsa:1 = ekam; 2 = dve; 3 = trīṇi; 4 = catvāri; 5 = pañca; 6 = ṣaṭ; 7 = sapta; 8 = aṣṭau; 9 = nava; 10 = daśa; 11 = ekādaśa; 12 = dvādaśa; 13 = trayodaśa; 14 = caturdaśa; 15 = pañcadaśa; 16 = ṣoḍaśa; 17 = saptadaśa; 18 = aṣṭadaśa; 19 = ekonavimśatiḥ; 20 = vimśatiḥ; 21 = ekāvimśatiḥ; 22 = dvāvimśatiḥ; 23 = trayovimśatiḥ; 24 = caturvimśatiḥ; 25 = pañcavimśatiḥ; 26 = ṣoḍavimśatiḥ; 27 = saptavimśatiḥ; 28 = aṣṭovimśatiḥ
  • breath: IN = Inhalation; EX = exhalation; 5BR = five breaths
  • Dr̥ṣṭi: nāsāgre = to the nose; añguṣṭhamadhye = to the middle of the thumb; bhrūmadhye = in the middle of the eye brows; nābicakre = to the navel; ūrdhvadr̥ṣṭi = upwards; hastāgre = to the tip of the hand; pādayoragre = to the tip of the foot; pārśvadr̥ṣṭi = sidewards