Bandhalign® is based off of wisdom which is described in the ancient Hatha Yoga texts. It uses this knowledge and combines it with modern know-how to develop a technique to establish and maintain optimal alignment. The idea is to find balance in every aspect of your being- physically, emotionally and mentally. It doesn't matter where you begin in these steps 1 through 5, because each step draws these three aspect of your being closer together so that you can find balance.

eLearning: Alignment

In your own practice: Engage Bandha in your torso

The Bandha technique establishes length and stability in the torso.

Breath Description Visualization Aid
Inhale draw the inner public bone towards the navel zip up pants
  lift lumbar spine zip up back of evening gown
  lift occiput set crown on head
Exhale chin presses isometrically downward against the air create width across the throat as if it were smiling
  ribs draw down and inward towards navel suspenders
  tailbone points sharp downward the tip of the nose of a smiley face

Vier Atemräume

Gleichzeitig lasse bei dieser Technik die Atmung tief in alle vier Atemräume gehen:

  1. Oberbauch
  2. Flanken
  3. Rücken
  4. Brust

Die Reihenfolge ist bei Ein- und bei Ausatmung gleich (jeweils vom Oberbauch beginnend)


The torso becomes more stable and the spine floats upward. This will promote harmonious and well-embodied movement, with a balanced amount of pressure along the vertebral discs.

Helping a Student: Developing Bandha in the torso

In a led class where the poses are given, you can use verbal cues to clarify these. In a Mysore-Style class where the contact is more individual, a hands-on adjustment can help. Here are a couple of options:

  1. Use a finger to 'breathe the line of movement' in that area of the torso.
  2. Place your hands or other body part flat on the skin and give the impulse of the direction of movement of the skin or bones.
  3. Supporting the motion of the four areas of breath.


Bandhas are established in the practitioner.