Some fonts supporting Devanagari and Roman transcription with diacritical marks (ISO15919).

Sanskrit and Devanagari
Fonts - Schriften für Devanagari und Lautschrift (ISO 15919)


A small selection fo UTF8 Devanagari fonts usable under free / open licence.

Fonts - Schriften für Devanagari und Lautschrift (ISO 15919)

Roman with Diacritics (ISO 15919)

A small selection of Roman UTF8 fonts with support for diacritical marks according to ISO15919 usable under free / open licence.

Fonts - Schriften für Devanagari und Lautschrift (ISO 15919)

Problems displaying Sanskrit or Devanagari on your computer?

We’ve reproduced the old Sanskrit Texts and mantras in the original Devanagari script. Some browsers cannot accurately produce this script so you can check and correct it here.