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Community ▸ YogiFinder ▸ Ashtanga Schulen
Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Bangkok Suchavadee C. 28/1 Sukhumvit 16, Sukhumvit Road Bangkok practice@
Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Michigan, Royal Oak Matthew Darling PO Box 1378 Royal Oak, MI matthew@ashtangamichigan Teaches in the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga
Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Cornwall Denise Christian Moleman's Cottage, West Park, St Minver Cornwall
Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Ibiza - Shankara Shala Tomas Manzanedo Agapito Llobet 22 Ibiza tomyogini@hotmail
Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Madrid Borja Romero-Valdespino c/Juanelo 12, Ent B, Madrid info@ashtangayogamadrid
Community ▸ YogiFinder ▸ AYI Schulen
0049 8031 / 234948
Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Gosslar Maren Würkert Hildesheimer Str. 39 Gosslar, mar
Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Mysore Kranti R. Libonati Shogakukaikan-bekkan 4F, 1-53-4, Tokyo info@krantivira
Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Portland Anne Finstad 7825 SW 36th Avenue, Suite 204 Portland, OR annefin