The essence of Yoga is to come in an holistic harmony with yourself. Therefore yoga IS therapy. But with some specific techniques you can enhance the healing powers even more.

Fascia Yoga: establishing well-balanced helical tension in the shoulders, elbows and wrists Fascia Yoga: establishing well-balanced helical tension in the shoulders, elbows and wrists

Fascia Yoga: establishing well-balanced helical tension in the shoulders, elbows and wrists

An expansive network of fascia winds in a spiral fashion in four different lines around the arms. These lines provide stability and connect directly to the torso of the body. With the following therapeutic exercises, you can develop a balanced An expansive network of fascia winds in a spiral fashion in four different lines around the arms. These lines provide stability and connect directly to the torso of the body. With the following therapeutic exercises, you can develop a balanced tension in these lines which will in turn promote healthy shoulders, arms, elbows and wrists.

'Tension Helix' Breath - Stability for your body 'Tension Helix' Breath - Stability for your body

'Tension Helix' Breath - Stability for your body

Stability in the body is achieved through tension, not pressure. The human torso is stabilized through multiple layers of fascia which are interwoven in the form of opposing double helices. The result of this tension is a sort of floating tension Stability in the body is achieved through tension, not pressure. The human torso is stabilized through multiple layers of fascia which are interwoven in the form of opposing double helices. The result of this tension is a sort of floating tension which is important for posture and movement.

Bandha and Pregnancy Bandha and Pregnancy

To mula bandha or not during pregnancy....

For anyone who has recently given birth, pelvic floor training is at the top of the list of things to do. But can you train these muscles beforehand as well? Learn here how you can safely work on toning and stretching your pelvic floor muscles in For anyone who has recently given birth, pelvic floor training is at the top of the list of things to do. But can you train these muscles beforehand as well? Learn here how you can safely work on toning and stretching your pelvic floor muscles in your prenatal yoga practice.

The Hips during Pregnancy The Hips during Pregnancy

Loosening up the hips

In yoga one of the most common recurring stretches is the 'hip-opener'. These exercises are key to preparing the body for an entire series of poses. In pregnancy, these can also be surprisingly beneficial.

Breathing during Pregnancy Breathing during Pregnancy

Does pregnancy take your breath away?

With these simple exercises you regain the space for a deep breath. This means that your child can grow safely in a both stable and dynamic environment. In addition, you simply breathe your stress away.

Relax and Restore during Pregnancy Relax and Restore during Pregnancy

Restoratives - recharge your energy supply and prepare for your baby's arrival in the world

Before the birth of a child, you probably feel like there are 1000 things that urgently need doing. At the same time, though, this is also definitely the time for some rest and recreation.

Pregnancy and Abdominal Muscles Pregnancy and Abdominal Muscles

The Perfect Core Training for Pregnancy

Dr. Ronald Steiner and Dr. Melanie Steiner explain why a strong core is so important during pregnancy, complete with some simple abdominal exercises you can do to strengthen your center.

Pregnancy and Fascia Pregnancy and Fascia

Delighted about the new baby, but worried about stretch marks...

With these simple tricks you can offer your baby a loving space while supporting your own body. In this way you can also give your skin a chance to stretch harmoniously without stretch marks.

Sitting-Rising Test Sitting-Rising Test

Get up without help even at the age of 80 - and how yoga can help make that possible

Patrick Albus explains the purpose of the Sitting-Rising Test (SRT) and how seniors can easily test their fitness at home without having to use any special equipment. Patrick explains how the test works and what it can tell us about our health and Patrick Albus explains the purpose of the Sitting-Rising Test (SRT) and how seniors can easily test their fitness at home without having to use any special equipment. Patrick explains how the test works and what it can tell us about our health and how we can use the results to improve our fitness.

Interview with Joachim Pfahl Interview with Joachim Pfahl

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Finding a way to get back in touch with your body - Joachim Pfahl talks with us about how yoga can be used to help trauma survivors heal themselves.

Listening with your hands Listening with your hands

Uncharted Territories - Touch as a good listener

From receiving adjustments to using self-adjustment and honing in on our sense of feel to focus on the proprioceptive qualities of the skin, we bring our focus full circle by exploring and observing the interaction of touching another person.

More than skin-deep More than skin-deep

More than skin-deep

In our last exercise, we looked at the skin on a somewhat superficial level. This month, we’re diving in deeper…

10.11.16 Yoga and the Skin 10.11.16 Yoga and the Skin

This Skin We’re In: Manifesting Subtle Movement through the Sense of Touch

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is the skin that gives us our faculty to feel (and to touch), which is arguably the most important sense we possess. As early as within the womb we are able to sense our environment through our The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is the skin that gives us our faculty to feel (and to touch), which is arguably the most important sense we possess. As early as within the womb we are able to sense our environment through our skin. That being said, we are often unaware of the function of the skin. Through this article series we hope to bring more awareness to our skin, whether on or off the mat.

20.7.16 Rolfing & Ashtanga Yoga 20.7.16 Rolfing & Ashtanga Yoga

Rolfing & Ashtanga Yoga: The Power of Touch and Movement

At first glance, it may seem like two very different areas - but after taking a closer look it becomes clear that there are actually quite a few commonalities. Physical therapist and body worker Andreas Lutz talks with us about the potential of At first glance, it may seem like two very different areas - but after taking a closer look it becomes clear that there are actually quite a few commonalities. Physical therapist and body worker Andreas Lutz talks with us about the potential of combining both approaches.

An Imaginary Dresscode An Imaginary Dresscode

An Imaginary Dresscode for Yogis - Bandha made easy!

Bandhas are one of the central techniques in yoga practice. In this interview, yogini Katarina Tauber tells you how, with the help of a number of simple images, you can lern to set the bandhas in accordance with the AYInnovation® / Bandhalign® Bandhas are one of the central techniques in yoga practice. In this interview, yogini Katarina Tauber tells you how, with the help of a number of simple images, you can lern to set the bandhas in accordance with the AYInnovation® / Bandhalign® Method.