AYI® at Sampurna
From the beginning on, the AYI® team had the chance to closely follow the development of this unique place of learning and mutual exchange. Since its opening in 2011, we have repeatedly profited from the almost magic atmosphere as well as the indidvidual and very personal support by Parvati and her team in numerous seminars, trainings and retreats. Which is certainly reason enough for a big "thank you"! Also, we would like to send our best wishes for the future and are already looking forward to many more events organized together.
Our "second home"
Arriving at Sampurna feels a bit like entering a different world where you can leave the speed of everyday life behind, finde a place to focus on the esential things, become more attentive and mindful, and have the chance to slow down and pause for a moment. The former elementary school offers room for all that. At the same time, you will immediately feel that the values promoted by Parvati and her team - such as respect, responsibility, joy of living and authenticity - are no mere lip service but truly lived. It is precisely for this reason that we have at various occasions chosen the Sampurna seminar house for a number of AYI® events ranging from training weeks to workshops and retreats. In fact, we've already done so for so many times that Sampurna has all but turned into our second home.
Behind the scenes
All those who have now become curious and haven't been at Sampurna yet, now have the chance to take a look during the open day. And who knows - maybe you'll feel afterwards that one day simply isn't enough and that you would like to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere a little longer. Nothing easier than that: AYI® will continue to be a regular guest at Sampurna and offer a number of different events with exciting and inspiring topics. We're looking forward to meeting you there!
Sunday, 26. June 2016
15:00 – 19:30

Open day - Program
● tour of the house and the newly decorated yard
● market fair with stalls by organizers and cooperation partners
● free workshops
● coffee, tea, cake and fingerfood at cost price
● playing and drawing area for kids
● concert with Janin Devi to celebrate the 5th anniversary of SAMPURNA
The Sampurna team is looking forward to welcoming you!