There are five types of mental projections (vr̥tti) that fill your inner perceptual space (citta). Partially pleasant and partially creating suffering, all of them stand in the way of your ability to perceive your Self.

Yoga Sutra 1: On the experience of absolute unity
vr̥ttayaḥnominative plural
vr̥ttisubstantive feminine
vr̥ttisubstantive feminine
vr̥tverbal root
whirling, activity, ideas
vr̥tverbal rootwhirling, turning, rolling
pañcatayyaḥnominative plural
pañcatayasubstantive feminine
five things
pañcatayasubstantive femininefivefold
kliśverbal root
excruciating, troublesome, annoying
kliśverbal rootto torment, plague, annoy
akliṣṭāḥnominative plural feminine
not painful
aprevixkliṣṭaverbal root
not excruciating, not troublesome, not annoying
kliśverbal root
excruciating, troublesome, annoying
kliśverbal rootto torment, plague, annoy

Five kinds of thoughts and feelings (vr̥tti) can inhabit your inner perceptual space. Sometimes they are painful to you (kliṣṭa), sometimes pleasant (akliṣṭa).

Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer

There are five kinds of movements (vr̥tti) [in the inner perceptual space (citta)], [sometimes these are] painful (kliṣṭa) [sometimes] not painful (akliṣṭa).

Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation

Die Funktionen sind fünffach, bedrückt und nichtbedrückt (mit den kleças behaftet oder nicht behaftet). [The functions are five-fold, and either weigh down or do not weigh down (attached to kleças or not).]

Paul Deussen - 1908

The modifications (of the internal organ) are of five kinds, (and they are either) painful or not painful.

James R. Ballantyne - 1852

truth, right perception
pramāṇasubstantive neuter
measure, scale, norm, guideline
praprevixforwards, forth
mānasubstantive neuter
opinion, idea
verbal rootmeasure, form, prepare
anasuffix neuterKr̥t- suffix with Guṇa-describes an action
interpretation, distorted perception
viparayayasubstantive masculine
conversion, change, wrongness
viprevixthrough, between
pariprevixall around
iverbal rootgo, flow
vikalpasubstantive masculine
fantasy, mental construction
vikalpasubstantive masculine
viprevixkalpasubstantive masculine
false idea, imagination
viprevixthrough, between
kalpasubstantive masculinerule, order, in a way, examination}
nidrāsubstantive feminine
dullness, mental dullness
nidrāsubstantive feminine
niprevixdrāverbal root
niprevixdown, back
drāverbal rootto sleep
smr̥tayaḥnominative plural
smr̥tisubstantive feminine
smr̥tisubstantive feminine
smr̥verbal root
smr̥verbal rootto remember

You can never be certain, which of the five contents are inhabiting your inner space: truth (pramāṇa), interpretation (viparyaya), fantasy (vikalpa), dullness (nidrā) or memory (smr̥ti).

Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer

Right perception (pramāṇa), distorted perception (viparyaya), mental constructions (viklapa), mental dullness (nidrā) and memory (smr̥ti) [ are the five movements of the inner perceptual space ].

Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation

Sie sind: [Richtiges Erkennen durch die] Erkenntnisnormen, Verkehrtheit, Annahme, Schlaf, Erinnerung. [They are right recognition through the norms of knowledge, wrongness, assumption, sleep, memory.]

Paul Deussen - 1908

(The modifications of the internal organ are) evidence (or right notion), misconception, fancy, sleep and memory.

James R. Ballantyne - 1852

pratyakṣasubstantive masculine
pratyakṣasubstantive masculine
pratiprevixakṣasubstantive masculine
before your eyes, clearly, immediate
pratiprevixagainst, backing away
akṣasubstantive masculine
akṣverbal root
akṣverbal rootreach, permeate
anumānasubstantive neuter
anumāṇasubstantive neuter
anuprevixmānasubstantive neuter
to close, conclude
anuprevixfollowing, based on, under, after
mānasubstantive neuter
verbal rootanasuffix
opinion, idea
verbal rootto measure, form, prepare
anasuffix neuterKr̥t- suffix with Guṇa - indicates an action
āgamāḥnominative plural
āgamasubstantive masculine
acquired skills
āgamāsubstantive masculine
āprevixgamasubstantive masculine
āprevixtowards, nearby
gamasubstantive masculine
gamverbal root
the way, route
gamverbal rootto go, come, move
pramāṇāninominative plural
pramāṇasubstantive neuter
truth, true picture of the outside world
pramāṇasubstantive neuter
praprevixmānasubstantive neuter
measure, scale, norm, guideline
praprevixforwards, forth
mānasubstantive neuter
verbal rootana |suff
opinion, idea
verbal rootto measure, form, prepare
anasuffix neuterKr̥t suffix with Guṇa - indicates an action

Direct sensory impressions (pratyakṣa), mental conclusions (anumāna) or things learned from others (āgama) can project a truth (pramāṇa) within your inner perceptual space.

Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer

True perception (pramāṇa) [are] direct perceptions (pratyakṣa), conclusions (anumāna) and what is learned (āgama).

Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation

Die Erkenntnisnormen sind: Wahrnehmung, Folgerung, Überlieferung. [The norms of knowledge are: perception, inference, tradition.]

Paul Deussen - 1908

The evidences are perception, inference and testimony.

James R. Ballantyne - 1852

viparyayaḥnominative singular
viparyayasubstantive masculine
interpretation, distorted perception
viparayayasubstantive masculine
viprevixpariprevixiverbal root
transition, change, wrongness
viprevixthrough, between
pariprevixall around
iverbal rootto go, flow
mithverbal root
wrong, false, not correct
mithverbal rootget into a fight, blame someone
jñānam nominative singular
jñānasubstantive neuter
jñānasubstantive neuter
jñāverbal rootanasuffix neuter
jñāverbal rootto know
anasuffix neuterKr̥t-suffix with Guṇa - indicates an action
aprevixtapronoun 3rd person
not the
tapronoun 3rd personnot the
rūpasubstantive neuter
rūpasubstantive neuterform
pratiṣṭhamnominative singular neuter
pratiprevixsthāverbal root
the standing, remaining
pratiprevixagainst, contrary, back
sthārbleibento stay put

Mislearning (mithyā-jñānam) or distorted observation (atad-rūpa) can project an interpretation (viparyaya) in your inner perceptual space.

Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer

Distorted perception (vipraryaya) [is] false knowledge (mithyā-jñānam), it [is] not based on a [true] form (rūpa).

Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation

Verkehrtheit ist die falsche Erkenntnis, welche bei dem stehen bleibt, was nicht das Wesen der Sache ist. [Wrongness is false knowledge that ends up not being the essence of that thing.]

Paul Deussen - 1908

Misconception ist incorrect notion. Not staying in the (proper) form of that (in respect whereof the misconception is entertained).

James R. Ballantyne - 1852

ś genitive
śabdasubstantive masculine
śabdasubstantive masculine
śabdverbal root
śabdverbal roota sound, make a sound, to call
jñā dative
jñānasubstantive neuter
jñānasubstantive neuter
jñāverbal rootanasuffix
jñāverbal rootto know
anasuffixindicates an action
anupātīnominative singular masculine
following, pursuing
anuprevixfollowing, based on, under, after
patverbal root
flying, falling
patrvom Himmelto fall downward, fly genitive
vastusubstantive neuter
vastusubstantive neuter
vasverbal roottusuffix
vasverbal rootto live, soujourn
tusuffixsuffix to form a nomina actionis
śūnyaḥnominative singular masculine
śvāverbal root
empty, without
śvāverbal rootincrease
vikalpaḥnominative singular
vikalpasubstantive masculine
fantasy, mental construction
vikalpasubstantive masculine
viprevixkalpasubstantive masculine
misconception, imagination
viprevixthrough, between
kalpasubstantive masculinerule, order, modality, examination

Stupid things learned (śabda-jñāna) or contents without any correspondence (vastu-śūnya) can project a fanstasy (vikalpa) into your inner perceptual space.

Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer

Mental construction (vikalpa) [is] following words or knowledge (śabda-jñāna) without a [true] object (vastu-śūnya).

Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation

Der [bloßen] Erkenntnis durch Worte nachgehend, des Objektes bar ist die Annahme. [Pursing mere knowledge through words creates assumption without an object.]

Paul Deussen - 1908

A fancy is (a notion) devoid of A thing (in reality corresponding thereto), following upon knowledge (conveyed) by words.

James R. Ballantyne - 1852

abhā ablative
abhāvasubstantive masculine
abhāvasubstantive masculine
aprevixbhāvasubstantive masculine
bhāvasubstantive masculine
bhūverbal root
the becoming, being, taking place
bhūverbal rootto become, arise, happen genitive
pratyayasubstantive masculine
impressions, convictions, ideas, beliefs
pratyayasubstantive masculine
pratiprevixiverbal root
belief, conviction, certainty, presentation
pratiprevixback, contrary to, against
iverbal rootto go, go out, go to
ālambanānominative singular feminine
based on
āprevixup to, until
lambverbal rootanasuffix
hanging down
lambverbal roothanging down, hanging on
anasuffix neuterKr̥t- suffix with Guṇa- indicates an action
vr̥ttiḥnominative singular
vr̥ttisubstantive feminine
vr̥ttisubstantive feminine
vr̥tverbal root
rolling, work, thoughts
vr̥tverbal rootto whirl, roll
nidrānominative singular
nidrāsubstantive feminine
to doze off, sleep
nidrāsubstantive feminine
niprevixdrāverbal root
niprevixdown, back
drāverbal rootto sleep

When all external sensory impressions (abhāva-pratyaya) come to a halt, a projection (vr̥tti) of dullness (nidrā) is created in your inner perceptual space.

Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer

Mental dullness (nidrā) [is] a movement [in your perceptual space (citta)], which [is] based on the absence (abhāva) of impressions (pratyaya)x.

Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation


In some manuscripts, especially the one to which Krishnamacharya and his students refer to, the word tamaḥ is found. It describes the mental movements (vr̥tti) in more details. With this addition it is about ‘dull’ mental movements (vr̥tti) in the inner perceptual space (citta). In these manuscripts, the line is written as follows:

abhāva-rpatyayālambanā tamo vr̥ttir-nidrā

Die nicht auf einer realen Vorstellung fußende Funktion ist der Schlaf. [The function not based on a real imagination is sleep.]

Paul Deussen - 1908

Sleep is that modification (of the internal organ) which depends on the conception of nothing.

James R. Ballantyne - 1852

anuprevixfollowing, based on, under, after
bhūverbal root
been, become
bhūverbal rootto become, arise, happen
viṣ genitive
viṣayasubstantive masculine
field, object
viṣayasubstantive masculine
viṣverbal root
field, object
viṣverbal rootto be active, do, work
asaṁpramoṣaḥnominative singular
asaṁpramoṣasubstantive masculine
not completely faded
asaṁpramoṣasubstantive masculine
aprevixsamprevixpramoṣasubstantive masculine
not completely faded
samprevixtogether, with, completely
pramoṣasubstantive masculine
praprevixmoṣasubstantive masculine
praprevixforwards, forth
moṣasubstantive masculine
muṣverbal root
burglar, thief
muṣverbal rootsteal
smr̥tiḥnominative singular
smr̥tisubstantive feminine
smr̥tisubstantive feminine
smr̥verbal root
smr̥verbal rootto remember

If a projection does not completely fade (anubhūta-viṣayāsaṁpramiṣa), a memory (smr̥ti) arises in your inner perceptual space.

Dr. Ronald Steiner - modern transfer

Memory (smr̥tti) [is a] not completely faded (asaṁpramoṣa) [previously] perceived object (viṣaya)

Dr. Ronald Steiner - historic word by word translation

Das Nicht-abhandenkommen eines Objektes, dessen man inne ward, ist die Erinnerung. {EN: [The failure to lose an object that you became aware of is memory.]

Paul Deussen - 1908

Memory is the not letting go of an object that one has been aware of.

James R. Ballantyne - 1852

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    Jan Albrecht

    at 19.11.2022

    Hallo Ronald,
    was ist der Unterschied zwsichen "Wenn alle äußeren Sinneseindrücke (abhāva-pratyaya) zum Erliegen kommen..." und "Schließlich kannst Du Deine Sinne (indriya) von allen äußeren Objekten [...] Hallo Ronald,
    was ist der Unterschied zwsichen "Wenn alle äußeren Sinneseindrücke (abhāva-pratyaya) zum Erliegen kommen..." und "Schließlich kannst Du Deine Sinne (indriya) von allen äußeren Objekten (svaviṣayā) zurückziehen ..." d.h., wie grenzt sich das vrtti nidra aus 1.10 gegen pratyaharah "Rückzug der Sinne" aus 2.29 und 2.54 ab ? Vielen Dank

    • Hallo Jan,
      wau. Eine super tolle Frage. Wenn man in das Viyasa Bhashya blickt wird es klarer:
      - chitta vritti nirodhah (1.1) = nirbija samadhi = Alle Inhalte im chitta (und nach Kommentar sogar der [...] Hallo Jan,
      wau. Eine super tolle Frage. Wenn man in das Viyasa Bhashya blickt wird es klarer:
      - chitta vritti nirodhah (1.1) = nirbija samadhi = Alle Inhalte im chitta (und nach Kommentar sogar der chitta selbst) lösen sich auf.
      - pratyahara (2.29) ist nur dass die Sinneseidrücke keine neuen Wellen innerhalb von Chitta erzeugen. Das führt natürlich irgendwann zu chitta vritti nirodhah.
      Ich hoffe das hilft Dir weiter.
      Viel Freude wünscht Dir

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    Petra Zahn

    at 23.08.2021

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    Katja Pylen

    at 20.03.2021

    Hallo Ronald,
    im Yoga Sutra 1.10 heißt es in Deinem Buch zum Yoga Sutra: ...tamo-vr̥ttir-nidra. Hier auf der Internetseite "fehlt" tamo. In andere Übersetzungen bzw. Kommentaren steht es wiederum. [...] Hallo Ronald,
    im Yoga Sutra 1.10 heißt es in Deinem Buch zum Yoga Sutra: ...tamo-vr̥ttir-nidra. Hier auf der Internetseite "fehlt" tamo. In andere Übersetzungen bzw. Kommentaren steht es wiederum. Kannst Du mir was dazu sagen? Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße, Katja.

    • Hallo Katja,
      schau mal in der historisch-wörtlichen Übersetzung. Da ist so ein kleines unscheinbares "x". Wenn Du darauf klickst, dann findest Du die Fußnote. Die geht genau hier rauf ein. - Löst das [...] Hallo Katja,
      schau mal in der historisch-wörtlichen Übersetzung. Da ist so ein kleines unscheinbares "x". Wenn Du darauf klickst, dann findest Du die Fußnote. Die geht genau hier rauf ein. - Löst das Deine Frage? Wenn nicht, poste hier gerne nochmal die Nachfrage.
      Namaste und beste Grüße

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      Katja Pylen

      at 20.03.2021

      Alles klar...danke! Alles klar...danke!

    • Top. Freue mich. :) Top. Freue mich. :)