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innovative class (de)
Yoga @work: The Neck Yoga @work: The Neck

Yoga at the the Workplace: The Neck

Do you feel tightness and tension in the neck and shoulders after a long day at work? Join Florian Sprater as he leads you through his new Yoga at the Workplace sequence for the neck.

yoga therapy (de)
Sun Salutations with the seat of a chair Sun Salutations with the seat of a chair

Sun Salutations on the seat of a chair

In this video, Ronald shows you how to practice sun salutations using the seat of a chair, which will help to mobilize your spine. Give it a try!

yoga therapy (de)
Sun Salutations for core stability Sun Salutations for core stability

Son Salutations for core stability

In this video, Ronald shares a special form of the Sun Salutation where you can strengthen your core and improve the health of your back. Give it a try!

yoga therapy (de)
Sun Salutations for your Fascia Sun Salutations for your Fascia

Sun Salutations for your fascia and for a strong core

In this video Ronald shows you a special form of the Sun Salutation which will strengthen your core and activate your fascia. Give it a try!

yoga therapy (de)
Supine Sun Salutations Supine Sun Salutations

Supine Sun Salutations to relieve the wrists

In this video Ronald shows you a supine variation of the Sun Salutations A and B. With this form, you can relieve your wrists and shoulders. Try it out for yourself!

yoga therapy (de)
Stabilize the forefoot and transverse arches Stabilize the forefoot and transverse arches

Liven up each step with stronger forefeet and transverse arches

In this therapeutic sequence, Ronald shows you how to strengthen the muscles of your forefoot and the transverse arches to help you move through life lighter on your feet. Give it a try!

yoga therapy (de)
Sequence for the Sacrum - Control Sequence for the Sacrum - Control

Therapeutic sequence for the sacral region - Basic Needs and Control

Therapeutische Sequenz zum Kreuzbeinbereich - Kontrolle im Leben Was hat Dein Kreuzbein mit Deiner Kontrolle zu tun? Gemeinsam mit Dr. Melanie Steiner und unserem Yogi Christian lernst Du Übungen kennen, die Dein Kreuzbein lockern und entlasten und Therapeutische Sequenz zum Kreuzbeinbereich - Kontrolle im Leben Was hat Dein Kreuzbein mit Deiner Kontrolle zu tun? Gemeinsam mit Dr. Melanie Steiner und unserem Yogi Christian lernst Du Übungen kennen, die Dein Kreuzbein lockern und entlasten und Dir gleichzeitig das Thema Kontrolle näherbringen. Finde heraus, was die kollabierte Katze damit zu tun hat!

yoga therapy (de)
Thoracic spine Sequence - Bonding Thoracic spine Sequence - Bonding

Therapeutic sequence for the thoracic spine - Bonding as a basic need

In this video Dr. Melanie Steiner guides you through a practice that will free up space in your thoracic spine. Find out how this corresponds to the basic need to bond with others.

yoga therapy (de)
Improve your shoulder mobility Improve your shoulder mobility

Improve your shoulder mobility

In this video, Ronald shows you how to improve your range of motion in your shoulders, which will allow your arms to move more freely. Check it out for yourself!

yoga therapy (de)
Therapeutic sequence for the cervical spine Therapeutic sequence for the cervical spine

Therapeutic sequence for the cervical spine

Join Dr. Melanie Steiner to discover how the cervical spine is connected with self-esteem, and how this in turn affects the jaw and mouth.

yoga therapy (de)
How to address SI Blockage at home How to address SI Blockage at home

How to address SI Blockage at home

In this video Ronald shows you some exercises you can do to release a blockage at the SI joint, or to relieve lower back complaints. Give it a try and see for yourself.

yoga therapy (de)
Therapeutic sequence for the lumbar spine: Finding inner control Therapeutic sequence for the lumbar spine: Finding inner control

Therapeutic sequence for the lumbar spine: Finding inner control

Was hat Deine Lendenwirbelsäule mit der Kontrolle und der Begrenzung nach Innen zu tun? Erspüre, dehne und erfahre Länge in den verschiedenen Bereichen Deines Rückens. Nimmst Du Unterschiede wahr? Dabei kannst Du mit Dr. Melanie Steiner und unserem Was hat Deine Lendenwirbelsäule mit der Kontrolle und der Begrenzung nach Innen zu tun? Erspüre, dehne und erfahre Länge in den verschiedenen Bereichen Deines Rückens. Nimmst Du Unterschiede wahr? Dabei kannst Du mit Dr. Melanie Steiner und unserem Yogi Christian Deine Begrenzungen erspüren und Affirmationen kennen lernen.

yoga therapy (de)
Strengthen your pelvic region - Take a bit of time for self care! Strengthen your pelvic region - Take a bit of time for self care!

Strengthen your pelvic region - Take a bit of time for self care!

This is a therapeutic sequence where you can experience being in your body with the focus on the pelvis. Observe the pelvic region and experience how these exercises affect your basic needs towards the pleasant or in avoidance of the unpleasant. This is a therapeutic sequence where you can experience being in your body with the focus on the pelvis. Observe the pelvic region and experience how these exercises affect your basic needs towards the pleasant or in avoidance of the unpleasant. Recharge and generate new energy for your daily life and discover your very own center of strength.

innovative class (de)
Yoga at the Workplace: Back and Wrists Yoga at the Workplace: Back and Wrists

Yoga at the Workplace: Back and Wrists

This innovative Ashtanga sequence gives you the opportunity to integrate yoga into your workday. In this video, Florian Sprater and Anissa show you a form of the Sun Salutation B using a chair.

yoga therapy (de)
Dynamic Fascia Workout for Yogis Dynamic Fascia Workout for Yogis

Dynamic Fascia Workout for Yogis

Strength, flexibility, coordination, stamina and rest are the five fundmental skills that will lead to a healthy, well-balanced body. Developing these skills will also help you to find your own mental and physical balance. Here we invite you to try Strength, flexibility, coordination, stamina and rest are the five fundmental skills that will lead to a healthy, well-balanced body. Developing these skills will also help you to find your own mental and physical balance. Here we invite you to try out a yoga sequence designed to challenge these basic skills in accordance with the modern fascial research.